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Rediscover sensuality & femininity, as you reignite that passion for self-love. Discover your inner Goddess!

Danceformation ™ is a transformational dance experience for women who want to discover new and hidden dimensions of themselves.  A unique program using ancient eastern and western movement practices, contemporary mind body techniques, therapeutic dance and inner enquiry, designed for the modern day women.


Conceptualized and designed by internationally acclaimed movement meditation trainer, healer and transformational coach, Kate Tyler, Danceformation™ helps

  • Awaken your hidden potential within your body,

  • Reconnect with your true powerful divine essence,

  • Re-discover and celebrate your femininity and sensuality

  • Release blocked energy, emotions and negative patterns

  • Use dance as a form of prayer and personal manifestation

  • Learn to circulate life force energy (Prana) through dance

  • Embark on an exciting journey back to your true authentic nature

Why Danceformation?

Danceformation™ is carefully designed to help women empower themselves in body, mind, emotions, movement and voice to become the powerful expression of the divine feminine they are born to be.

Danceformation™ helps

  • Gain deeper natural confidence within yourself

  • Increase energy, flexibility and vitality

  • Overcome fears and personal challenges

  • Reignite your passion for life, yourself and your beloved

  • Feel more comfortable and present with yourself

  • Increased body awareness, clearer communication and self expression

  • Learn techniques for deep relaxation and stress management

  • Heal negative thoughts, feelings and mindset

  • Connect your mind, body and spirit through dance movements

  • Awaken, Heal & Transform using Dance as a medium of expression

Who Should Danceform...

Our Promise – “If you can walk, you can dance”

Danceformation™ is a unique program for women who:

  • Lack self confidence and have a negative body image for self

  • Feel blocked in fully expressing themselves

  • Lack creativity and struggle with self expression

  • Seeking self discovery, healing of emotions

  • Feel dissatisfied with life, relationship with others and self

  • Are stressed, anxious or emotionally overwhelmed

  • Feel they have lost their sense of purpose and passion

  • Wish to create more happiness and joy in their body and mind

  • Want to feel complete freedom to express themselves

  • Have fears around being fully seen and heard as a woman

Concept & Program Design

Kate Tyler

C.Hyp. D.Hyp. C.I.H.UKHR. Hyp. ASSOC. Dip.Psyth. LHA

This is a life changing opportunity to study with the creator of Danceformation.  To embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, transformation and self empowerment through dance.

  • No1 bestselling author

  • International health writer

  • World-renowned clinical hypnotherapist

  • Psychotherapist and NLP practitioner

  • Transformational coach

  • Yoga Teacher and Expert

  • Dance Therapy Facilitator

  • Movement Meditation Leader

  • Mystical Dance ™ Trainer


Kate's personal story and mission


“Dancing has always been my passion. I began choregraphing, competing and performing in shows as a young child. It was a beautiful way for me to go inward when life outside was difficult, chaotic or confusing.


Dance has allowed me to feel present, to learn to really love my female body, to feel my emotions in a safe space and to fully express myself. When I dance I feel my true essence and connect to the divine in the most joyful way!


Dancing has been my meditation and a resource for personal healing and transformation. Through my own journey and studying various healing modalities over the past 20 years, including clinical hypnotherapy, NLP, inner child work, psychotherapy, bio dynamics, somatics, breathwork, bodywork and yoga, it is now my divine path to share this unique mind body movement medicine with other women around the world.


I believe that our wounds are our mission in life. Everything that happens to us is happening for us. Our personal story and life experiences can inspire and help others. 


I look forward to guiding and supporting you on your unique Danceformation”! 

Weekend Workshops

During the weekend workshops and retreats you will receive an extensive introduction into many modalities, which form the 7-Day Danceformation Retreat Immersion and 200 hour Teacher Training Course. 


  • A variety of movement meditations and dance classes that may include yoga dance, somatics, ecstatic dance, choreography, belly dance, chakra dance, contemporary dance, dynamic shaking, voice yoga, vocal toning, 5 elements dance, sensual awakening, sound healing, breathwork and more…

  • Self expression, self awareness and confidence coaching

  • Women’s circles and compassionate sharing

  • Transformational coaching and facilitation, which may include inner child work, NLP, life coaching, hypnotherapy, holding pattern decoding, emotion/energy release and shadow work

  • Body alignment and posture correction

  • Journaling and creative writing

7-Day Retreats

This is an extensive 7-Day Danceformation Retreat Program (Residential) at a retreat-friendly location in India or abroad.  This program is carefully designed to help achieve the primary goal of "Awakening, healing & transformation through Dance" for women who feel they lack the feeling of self confidence, self expression and self love. The below mention inclusions are just a partial list of what modules will be covered in the 7-Day Retreat Program.


  • A variety of movement meditations and dance classes that may include yoga dance, somatics, ecstatic dance, choreography, belly dance, chakra dance, contemporary dance, dynamic shaking, voice yoga, vocal toning, 5 elements dance, sensual awakening, sound healing, breathwork and more…

  • Self expression, self awareness and confidence coaching

  • Women’s circles and compassionate sharing

  • Transformational coaching and facilitation, which may include inner child work, NLP, life coaching, hypnotherapy, holding pattern decoding, emotion/energy release and shadow work

  • Body alignment and posture correction

  • Journaling and creative writing

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